Egg diet: 6 kilograms in 10 days
With the egg diet I hoped to lose weight quickly and increase my motivation for my future experiments, which concern the body. This expectation was fulfilled. I lost a total of 6.2 kg in weight and 6 cm in waist circumference in 10 days and was highly motivated to continue losing weight and doing sports.
You can read in the following how I was able to achieve these results. If you only want to know the most important details, you can find the shortened version here. I followed the egg diet plan from the German website instyle.
Day 1 — All beginnings are difficult
My starting weight was 102.3 kg, my waist circumference 106 cm and my chest circumference 107 cm. The diet started with two eggs and a black coffee for breakfast. After that, I went to the gym for an hour. I was still fit and motivated until two hours after lunch. Then a severe fatigue set in and I had to lie down for three hours.
After waking up I felt better again, and dinner was on the agenda. This filled me up for three hours until an extreme feeling of hunger set in. But I had to keep on going! In bed, I kept asking myself the same questions over and over: “Why am I torturing myself like this if the weight is going to come back on after the diet anyway?” or “Do I really need this diet? I’m not that fat!” and “Maybe now is not the right time to diet. I should postpone it and eat something normal!“
With these thoughts, I fell asleep.
Day 2 — First success
The second day started early. At the weigh-in, I was very surprised at the numbers on the scale: 99.8 kg! That was 2.5 kg weight loss within one day! You can imagine how much this motivated me to continue. After breakfast I wasn’t even hungry anymore. Probably it was because the tiredness had knocked me out again for two hours.
After getting up, lunch was not that far away. Unfortunately, this meal had only filled me up for two hours and dinner had been four hours away. All I could think about during that time was food, but fortunately the fatigue was gone. An hour before dinner, I had gone jogging again for 30 minutes to distract myself from hunger. After that, I finally got to eat dinner. This meal had made me full again for three hours. At 22:00 o’clock however the large hunger feeling began again, which kept me awake for a long time. I only thought about eating and giving up.
Day 3 — First low point
After only five hours of sleep, I woke up early and surprisingly fit. The scale showed 99.3 kg. WOW! That was another 500 grams down. After a quick breakfast, I had been at the gym for an hour. I had low power in the workout and fatigue had been strong again.
In addition, I began to perceive smells more intensely. I refrained from going to the supermarket because it smelled too much like food there and the desire to stop the diet would have been quite strong. I couldn’t see any eggs by the third day, which is why lunch was anything but delicious.
Later I got extremely hungry, got exhausted, had absolutely no strength left and fell asleep for four hours. After the “nap” and subsequent dinner I generally felt better, but the craving for something sweet suddenly became very strong. I think it was due to the missing dessert in every meal. Despite the long nap, I fell asleep very early that day.
Day 4 — The impossible birthday party
I started the day well-rested, with a weight of 98.8 kg. After the delayed breakfast, the strong feeling of hunger was there again, but the general floppiness was still there and lasted until lunch. After the meal I had to lie down once again for an hour. I thought to myself, “Is this what my days looked like now until the end of the diet? Half of the day just sleeping?”. The craving for something sweet was getting stronger, especially for ice cream. But I had to stay strong and keep on going.
At dinner, I was spontaneously invited to a restaurant for a birthday. However, this had been too spontaneous and impossible because I had just eaten something and would have a hard time controlling myself in the restaurant. Above all, the last two days had been so tiring, and I would have had to do nothing more than eat something normal to feel better again. I had to cancel, unfortunately. I had a moderately strong feeling of hunger throughout the day. It was also pointed out to me that I had developed bad breath, despite my daily dental hygiene.
Day 5 — Out of the woods
On the fifth day, I had already been awake and in top shape at 6 am. The scale showed 98.9 kg. A small increase! I think it’s because I barely moved due to the fatigue the day before. After breakfast, I went to measure again. The measuring tape showed 103 cm for my waist circumference. That was 4.5 cm less than 5 days ago!
The chest circumference was 105 cm. A total of 5 cm less! I was very happy about these results and for the first time I had the feeling that I could do the experiment a few days longer than I expected. Unfortunately, I still had barely power in the gym. However, the feeling of hunger was completely gone. It was also the first day I hadn’t needed a nap to get me through the day. I was a bit tired and worn out in the evening anyway.
Day 6 — The egg diet works!
I was able to get up early and full of energy and had another achievement on the scale: 98.1 kg! At lunch, I had really taken a liking to spinach. I still eat it from time to time and that would have been unthinkable before. At the same time, however, I built up a disgust for a special food. You can find it in the name of this post.
With every bite, I thought I was about to vomit. The amazing thing was also that I hadn’t been tired at all that day. My sense of smell had also developed very intensely, I could smell food that was far away and could also easily classify which foods they were. The day passed quietly otherwise. I had almost forgotten that I was dieting.
Day 7 — Where is my strength?
Same daily routine as always: get up early -> weigh in (97.8 kg) -> breakfast -> gym (every second day!). I had been longer in the gym that day and did more sets with lighter weight than usual, because unfortunately it still didn’t get better with the strength. At least I wasn’t so tired anymore and wasn’t hungry either. I was allowed to eat a whole chicken today and I did so with great pleasure. Otherwise, the day went unspectacular. Around 21:00, however, suddenly, out of nowhere, I became very tired and limp again. Shortly after that I fell asleep.
Day 8 — Routine
Getting up was difficult. I felt limp, nauseous and was not looking forward to eggs for breakfast at all. The scale showed 97 kg. Fortunately, the nausea passed after breakfast„ and I was fit for the rest of the day. Maybe I had just overdone it in the gym the day before, which is why I felt so bad the night before and in the morning.
Lunch and dinner became more and more routine. I slowly forgot about the hunger pangs as well.
Day 9 — Strength and helpfulness
On this day I got up early and highly motivated. After all, it was the penultimate day. The egg diet would soon be over. After breakfast and weighing in: 96.8 kg, I had a few pictures taken of myself. “WOW,” I thought to myself. My body changed for the better in a very short time. You can imagine that this motivated me a lot and I even toyed with the idea of extending the diet. I also had more strength in the gym that day for the first time since the beginning of the diet.
After the gym, I went to a buddy’s house to help him paint his kitchen. For six hours I worked without getting tired or even thinking about dieting. I was still looking forward to dinner. After that, I still didn’t go to bed because I went to a friend’s rock concert to support her. I danced until one o’clock in the night and after that, I slept like a rock in my bed.
Day 10 — Last day of the egg diet
After the exhausting night I got up rested and fit. The scales showed a proud 96.2 kg. I was looking forward to breakfast, because for the last time I had to eat eggs, my favorite food. After that, I was fit all day and could even skip lunch without feeling any hunger until dinner or after. I voluntarily went to bed early because I was looking forward to the end of the diet.
Day 11 — Goal achieved!
I had made it through! 10 days of egg diet with some exercise. At this point I could have gone on for a few more days, because the hunger, the tiredness, the sluggishness all disappeared and the strength was steadily increasing. But to do that, I would have had to resolve from the beginning to hold out longer. My head was already set on a real breakfast with my beloved Mettbrötchen. This was followed by two more croissants and a cheese roll. Later, I finally had ice cream, which I looked forward to for days.
The end result of the egg diet
I lost a total of 6.2 kg, 4.4% in body fat, 6 cm in waist circumference and 2 cm in chest circumference. Here are the exact numbers.
Day 25 — Yo-Yo effect?
Despite sports and a balanced diet, I unfortunately could not prevent the yo-yo effect.
Two weeks after the egg diet, the scales showed me 99.5 kg. Belly circumference was 102.5 cm and chest circumference 108.5 cm.
So since the end of the egg diet I gained 2.9 kg in weight, 2.5 cm on the waist and chest circumference in just a month.
Conclusion of the egg diet
The egg diet gave me exactly what I expected: To lose a lot of weight in a very short time. However, I can’t say that this diet is easy to follow through. It takes willpower to fight the initial hunger pangs and constant fatigue in the first few days. You should be prepared for loss of strength and performance in the beginning. But it improves after a few days and the diet becomes more and more routine. Especially when you see the first results and can motivate yourself.
Who wants to lose weight quickly maybe because, for example, a big celebration or other upcoming, can try out this diet. But if someone falls back into his old eating habits after that, he will have the lost weight and even more in a few weeks or months back on.