
Egg diet: 6 kilograms in 10 days

With the egg diet I hoped to lose weight quick­ly and increase my moti­va­ti­on for my future expe­ri­ments, which con­cern the body. This expec­ta­ti­on was ful­fil­led. I lost a total of 6.2 kg in weight and 6 cm in waist cir­cum­fe­rence in 10 days and was high­ly moti­va­ted to con­ti­nue losing weight and doing sports.

You can read in the fol­lo­wing how I was able to achie­ve the­se results. If you only want to know the most important details, you can find the shor­ten­ed ver­si­on here. I fol­lo­wed the egg diet plan from the Ger­man web­site instyle.

Day 1 — All beginnings are difficult

My start­ing weight was 102.3 kg, my waist cir­cum­fe­rence 106 cm and my chest cir­cum­fe­rence 107 cm. The diet star­ted with two eggs and a black cof­fee for break­fast. After that, I went to the gym for an hour. I was still fit and moti­va­ted until two hours after lunch. Then a seve­re fati­gue set in and I had to lie down for three hours.

After waking up I felt bet­ter again, and din­ner was on the agen­da. This fil­led me up for three hours until an extre­me fee­ling of hun­ger set in. But I had to keep on going! In bed, I kept asking mys­elf the same ques­ti­ons over and over: “Why am I tor­tu­ring mys­elf like this if the weight is going to come back on after the diet any­way?” or “Do I real­ly need this diet? I’m not that fat!” and “May­be now is not the right time to diet. I should post­po­ne it and eat some­thing nor­mal!“
With the­se thoughts, I fell asleep.

Ever­y­day the same break­fast: 2 eggs, one grape­fruit and black coffee

Day 2 — First success

The second day star­ted ear­ly. At the weigh-in, I was very sur­pri­sed at the num­bers on the sca­le: 99.8 kg! That was 2.5 kg weight loss within one day! You can ima­gi­ne how much this moti­va­ted me to con­ti­nue. After break­fast I was­n’t even hun­gry any­mo­re. Pro­ba­b­ly it was becau­se the tired­ness had kno­cked me out again for two hours. 

After get­ting up, lunch was not that far away. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, this meal had only fil­led me up for two hours and din­ner had been four hours away. All I could think about during that time was food, but for­t­u­na­te­ly the fati­gue was gone. An hour befo­re din­ner, I had gone jog­ging again for 30 minu­tes to dis­tract mys­elf from hun­ger. After that, I final­ly got to eat din­ner. This meal had made me full again for three hours. At 22:00 o’clock howe­ver the lar­ge hun­ger fee­ling began again, which kept me awa­ke for a long time. I only thought about eating and giving up.

First suc­cess: 99.8 kilo­grams (-0.1 kg is the came­ra weight)

Day 3 — First low point

After only five hours of sleep, I woke up ear­ly and sur­pri­sin­gly fit. The sca­le show­ed 99.3 kg. WOW! That was ano­ther 500 grams down. After a quick break­fast, I had been at the gym for an hour. I had low power in the work­out and fati­gue had been strong again. 

In addi­ti­on, I began to per­cei­ve smells more inten­se­ly. I refrai­ned from going to the super­mar­ket becau­se it smel­led too much like food the­re and the desi­re to stop the diet would have been quite strong. I could­n’t see any eggs by the third day, which is why lunch was any­thing but delicious. 

Later I got extre­me­ly hun­gry, got exhaus­ted, had abso­lut­e­ly no strength left and fell asleep for four hours. After the “nap” and sub­se­quent din­ner I gene­ral­ly felt bet­ter, but the cra­ving for some­thing sweet sud­den­ly beca­me very strong. I think it was due to the miss­ing des­sert in every meal. Despi­te the long nap, I fell asleep very ear­ly that day.

Trai­ning wit­hout power

Day 4 — The impossible birthday party

I star­ted the day well-res­ted, with a weight of 98.8 kg. After the delay­ed break­fast, the strong fee­ling of hun­ger was the­re again, but the gene­ral flop­pi­ness was still the­re and las­ted until lunch. After the meal I had to lie down once again for an hour. I thought to mys­elf, “Is this what my days loo­ked like now until the end of the diet? Half of the day just slee­ping?”. The cra­ving for some­thing sweet was get­ting stron­ger, espe­ci­al­ly for ice cream. But I had to stay strong and keep on going. 

At din­ner, I was spon­ta­neous­ly invi­ted to a restau­rant for a bir­th­day. Howe­ver, this had been too spon­ta­neous and impos­si­ble becau­se I had just eaten some­thing and would have a hard time con­trol­ling mys­elf in the restau­rant. Abo­ve all, the last two days had been so tiring, and I would have had to do not­hing more than eat some­thing nor­mal to feel bet­ter again. I had to can­cel, unfort­u­na­te­ly. I had a modera­te­ly strong fee­ling of hun­ger throug­hout the day. It was also poin­ted out to me that I had deve­lo­ped bad breath, despi­te my dai­ly den­tal hygiene.

2 eggs, cream cheese, toast, let­tuce and green tea

Day 5 — Out of the woods

On the fifth day, I had alre­a­dy been awa­ke and in top shape at 6 am. The sca­le show­ed 98.9 kg. A small increase! I think it’s becau­se I bare­ly moved due to the fati­gue the day befo­re. After break­fast, I went to mea­su­re again. The mea­su­ring tape show­ed 103 cm for my waist cir­cum­fe­rence. That was 4.5 cm less than 5 days ago!

The chest cir­cum­fe­rence was 105 cm. A total of 5 cm less! I was very hap­py about the­se results and for the first time I had the fee­ling that I could do the expe­ri­ment a few days lon­ger than I expec­ted. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, I still had bare­ly power in the gym. Howe­ver, the fee­ling of hun­ger was com­ple­te­ly gone. It was also the first day I had­n’t nee­ded a nap to get me through the day. I was a bit tired and worn out in the evening anyway.

Spin­ach tas­tes good, does­n’t it?!

Day 6 — The egg diet works!

I was able to get up ear­ly and full of ener­gy and had ano­ther achie­ve­ment on the sca­le: 98.1 kg! At lunch, I had real­ly taken a liking to spin­ach. I still eat it from time to time and that would have been unthinkable befo­re. At the same time, howe­ver, I built up a dis­gust for a spe­cial food. You can find it in the name of this post. 

With every bite, I thought I was about to vomit. The ama­zing thing was also that I had­n’t been tired at all that day. My sen­se of smell had also deve­lo­ped very inten­se­ly, I could smell food that was far away and could also easi­ly clas­si­fy which foods they were. The day pas­sed quiet­ly other­wi­se. I had almost for­got­ten that I was dieting.

Day 7 — Where is my strength?

Same dai­ly rou­ti­ne as always: get up ear­ly -> weigh in (97.8 kg) -> break­fast -> gym (every second day!). I had been lon­ger in the gym that day and did more sets with ligh­ter weight than usu­al, becau­se unfort­u­na­te­ly it still did­n’t get bet­ter with the strength. At least I was­n’t so tired any­mo­re and was­n’t hun­gry eit­her. I was allo­wed to eat a who­le chi­cken today and I did so with gre­at plea­su­re. Other­wi­se, the day went unspec­ta­cu­lar. Around 21:00, howe­ver, sud­den­ly, out of nowhe­re, I beca­me very tired and limp again. Short­ly after that I fell asleep.

Day 8 — Routine

Get­ting up was dif­fi­cult. I felt limp, nau­seous and was not loo­king for­ward to eggs for break­fast at all. The sca­le show­ed 97 kg. For­t­u­na­te­ly, the nau­sea pas­sed after break­fast„ and I was fit for the rest of the day. May­be I had just over­do­ne it in the gym the day befo­re, which is why I felt so bad the night befo­re and in the mor­ning.
Lunch and din­ner beca­me more and more rou­ti­ne. I slow­ly for­got about the hun­ger pangs as well.

Pork steaks for dinner

Day 9 — Strength and helpfulness

On this day I got up ear­ly and high­ly moti­va­ted. After all, it was the penul­ti­ma­te day. The egg diet would soon be over. After break­fast and weig­hing in: 96.8 kg, I had a few pic­tures taken of mys­elf. “WOW,” I thought to mys­elf. My body chan­ged for the bet­ter in a very short time. You can ima­gi­ne that this moti­va­ted me a lot and I even toy­ed with the idea of exten­ding the diet. I also had more strength in the gym that day for the first time sin­ce the begin­ning of the diet. 

After the gym, I went to a buddy’s house to help him paint his kit­chen. For six hours I work­ed wit­hout get­ting tired or even thin­king about die­ting. I was still loo­king for­ward to din­ner. After that, I still did­n’t go to bed becau­se I went to a friend’s rock con­cert to sup­port her. I danced until one o’clock in the night and after that, I slept like a rock in my bed.

Day 10 — Last day of the egg diet

After the exhaus­ting night I got up res­ted and fit. The sca­les show­ed a proud 96.2 kg. I was loo­king for­ward to break­fast, becau­se for the last time I had to eat eggs, my favo­ri­te food. After that, I was fit all day and could even skip lunch wit­hout fee­ling any hun­ger until din­ner or after. I vol­un­t­a­ri­ly went to bed ear­ly becau­se I was loo­king for­ward to the end of the diet.

Day 11 — Goal achieved!

I had made it through! 10 days of egg diet with some exer­cise. At this point I could have gone on for a few more days, becau­se the hun­ger, the tired­ness, the slug­gish­ness all dis­ap­peared and the strength was ste­adi­ly incre­asing. But to do that, I would have had to resol­ve from the begin­ning to hold out lon­ger. My head was alre­a­dy set on a real break­fast with my bel­oved Mett­bröt­chen. This was fol­lo­wed by two more crois­sants and a cheese roll. Later, I final­ly had ice cream, which I loo­ked for­ward to for days.

The end result of the egg diet

I lost a total of 6.2 kg, 4.4% in body fat, 6 cm in waist cir­cum­fe­rence and 2 cm in chest cir­cum­fe­rence. Here are the exact numbers.

Day 25 — Yo-Yo effect?

Despi­te sports and a balan­ced diet, I unfort­u­na­te­ly could not pre­vent the yo-yo effect.

Two weeks after the egg diet, the sca­les show­ed me 99.5 kg. Bel­ly cir­cum­fe­rence was 102.5 cm and chest cir­cum­fe­rence 108.5 cm.
So sin­ce the end of the egg diet I gai­ned 2.9 kg in weight, 2.5 cm on the waist and chest cir­cum­fe­rence in just a month.

Despi­te the yo-yo effect, I tried to keep mys­elf in shape with sports.

Conclusion of the egg diet

The egg diet gave me exact­ly what I expec­ted: To lose a lot of weight in a very short time. Howe­ver, I can’t say that this diet is easy to fol­low through. It takes will­power to fight the initi­al hun­ger pangs and con­stant fati­gue in the first few days. You should be pre­pared for loss of strength and per­for­mance in the begin­ning. But it impro­ves after a few days and the diet beco­mes more and more rou­ti­ne. Espe­ci­al­ly when you see the first results and can moti­va­te yourself.

Who wants to lose weight quick­ly may­be becau­se, for exam­p­le, a big cele­bra­ti­on or other upco­ming, can try out this diet. But if someone falls back into his old eating habits after that, he will have the lost weight and even more in a few weeks or months back on.

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